Georgetown, TX
July 2014, Ph.D. University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
Major: Educational Policy
August 2009-May 2010, University of Kansas (transferred to MU)
Major: Educational Policy
July 2009, M.Ed. Beijing Normal University
Major: Comparative Education
Data Analysis Skills/Software
Quantitative: SAS, R, STATA, SPSS, HLM, and Mplus
Qualitative: Dedoose
Other Programs: PowerPoint, MS Word, and EXCEL
Work Experience
2021-today Director of Research and Evaluation
Round Rock Independent School District
Oversee program evaluation and research partnership with external scholars; lead district evaluation initiatives; use data to inform policy-making.
2016-2021 Evaluation Specialist/Research Analyst
Use large-scale data to inform school decision-making; perform policy analysis and program evaluation; serve on external research review committees.
2015-2016 Statistician/Data Analyst, Adjunct Instructor
Ohio’s Evaluation & Assessment Center, Miami University
Conduct data analysis and write reports for multiple grant funded projects; collect data with online surveys; mentor graduate research assistants; develop grant proposals; teach courses for the Ed. Leadership Department.
2014-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow
ELPA College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia
Teach Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis courses; support externally funded projects; conduct data analysis and literature review for the college and career readiness project.
2012-2014 Affiliated Researcher
Consortium on Chicago Public School Research, University of Chicago
Conduct statistical data analysis with HLM and growth modeling using Chicago Public Schools elementary and high school data in SAS and Mplus; write peer-reviewed journal articles with Dr. James Sebastian.
2010-2014 Graduate Research Assistant
ELPA College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia
Forecast university enrollment with Dr. Bradley Curs; clean data for the Missouri Middle School Math Teacher Survey funded by the National Science Foundation.
Teaching Experience
2016 Fall — Instructor, Miami University, Course Name: Introduction to American Universities
2015 Spring — Instructor, University of Missouri-Columbia, Course Name: Debates in Higher Education (co-taught with a colleague)
2014 Fall — Guest Instructor, University of Missouri-Columbia, Course Name: College Access (on 9/18/2014), History of Higher Education (on 9/29/2014)
2013 Spring — Teaching Assistant, University of Missouri-Columbia, Course Name: Qualitative Research Design II
Journal Articles
Scrimgeour, M. & Huang, H. (2022). A comparison of paper-based and computer-based formats for assessing student achievement. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 34(1), 69-92.
Huang, H., & Paralkar, V. (2021). Better scores, better jobs, an untested assumption: Social mobility and student achievement in mathematics and science. Journal of Research in Education, 30(3), 61-96.
Noltemeyer, A., & Huang, H…et al. (2019). Youth mental health first aid: Initial outcomes of a statewide roll-out in Ohio. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 36(1), 1-19.
Huang, H., & Zhu, H. (2017). High achievers from low socioeconomic backgrounds: The critical role of disciplinary climate and grit. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 29(2), 93-116.
Sebastian, J., & Huang, H., & Allensworth, E. (2017). Examining integrated leadership systems in high schools: Connecting principal and teacher leadership to organizational processes and student outcomes. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 28(3), 463-488.
Sebastian, J., Allensworth, E., & Huang, H. (2016). The role of teacher leadership in how principals influence classroom instruction and student learning. American Journal of Education, 123(1), 69-108.
Sebastian, J., & Huang, H. (2016). Examining the relationship of a survey-based measure of math creativity with math achievement: Cross-national evidence from PISA 2012. International Journal of Educational Research, 80, 74-92.
Huang, H., & Liang, G. (2016). Parental cultural capital and student school performance in mathematics and science across nations. Journal of Educational Research, 109(3), 286-295.
Huang, H., & Placier, P. (2016). A critical discourse analysis of media coverage of Shanghai students’ performance in 2009 program for international student assessment. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25(2), 117-135.
Huang, H. (2015). Can students themselves narrow the socioeconomic-status-based achievement gap through their own persistence and learning time? Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(108), 1-39.
Huang, H., & Sebastian J. (2015). The role of schools in bridging the achievement gap based on socioeconomic status: A cross-national comparative study. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 45(4), 501-525.
Huang, H., & Placier, P. (2015). Four generations of women’s education experience in a rural Chinese community. Gender and Education, 27(6), 599-617.
Liang, G., Zhang, Y., Huang, H., & Qiao, Z. (2015). Teacher incentive pay programs in the United States: Union influence and district characteristics. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 10(3), 1-18.
Huang, H. (2008). A study on initial teacher education policy in England after World War II. Studies in Foreign Education, 35(11), 92-96. (In Chinese)
Wang, S., & Huang, H. (2008). Exploration of “person-first language.” Chinese Journal of Special Education, 10, 7-11. (In Chinese)
Book Reviews
Huang, H., & Placier, P. (2013). Review of PISA, power, and policy: The emergence of global educational governance, by Heinz-Dieter Meyer & Aaron Benavot (eds.). European Education, 45(4), 96-98.
Huang, H. (2012). Review of “neoliberalization” as betrayal: State, feminism, and a women’s education program in India by Shubhra Sharma. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 13(3), 201-202.
Conference Presentations
Huang, H. (2019) Linking student survey results with learning outcomes: Teacher-student relationships and student end-of-grade achievement. American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Huang, H., & Paralkar, V. (2017). Better scores, better jobs, an untested assumption: Social mobility and student achievement in mathematics and science. AERA.
Sebastian, J., Huang, H., & Cunningham, M. P. (2016). Direct vs. indirect relationship between principal leadership and student learning: Considering the source of information. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA).
Huang, H., & Zhu, H. (2016). High achievers from low socioeconomic backgrounds: The critical role of disciplinary climate and grit. AERA.
Sebastian, J., Huang, H., & Allensworth, E. (2015). The role of teacher leadership in how principals influence classroom instruction and student learning in urban high schools. AERA.
Sebastian, J., Allensworth, E., & Huang, H. (2014). The role of teacher leadership in how principals influence student learning. UCEA.
Sebastian J., & Huang, H. (2014). The role of schools in bridging the achievement gap based on socioeconomic status: A cross-national comparative study. AERA.
Huang, H., Liang, G., & Zhu, H. (2014). Cultural capital and student mathematics and science achievement across nations. AERA.
Huang, H. & Wang, T. (2013). School district socioeconomic status, teacher quality, and student achievement in Missouri. AERA.
Huang, H. (2013). Gender inequality and women’s education in a rural Chinese village. The David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar. AERA.
Huang, H. & Placier, P. (2013). “Sputnik,” “championship,” what else? A critical discourse analysis of Shanghai students’ performance in PISA 2009. Comparative and International Education Society.
Huang, H., & Ye, Y. (2011). Principal leadership and teacher professional development: A cross-culture phenomenon. UCEA.
Other Publications
Regan, R., & Huang, H. (2021). College enrollment of WCPSS graduates. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Gilleland, K., Huang, H., McMillen, B, & Stephens, S. (2020). School resource and bike patrol officers’ survey results: Fall 2020. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Huang, H. (2019). How do students feel about their schools? WCPSS student survey results 2018-19. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Huang, H. (2018). How do students feel about their schools? WCPSS student survey results 2017-18. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Huang, H. (2018). Financial literacy in WCPSS. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Huang, H. (2017). How do students feel about their schools? WCPSS student survey results 2016-17. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Huang, H. (2017). Measuring critical thinking skills at WCPSS. Cary, NC: Wake County Public Schools.
Curs, B., Ehlert, M., Grotewiel, M., Huang, H., … Quan, J. (2015). Trends in college and career readiness in the Kansas City 7-county metropolitan region. Kansas City, MO: Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium.
Huang, H. (2015). Student assessment in the United States. In Z. Zhao (ed.), American PK-12 education (pp. 125-147). Beijing, China: Peking University Press. (In Chinese)
Professional Affiliations
2013-Present — American Educational Research Association
2016-17 — American Evaluation Association
2013-2014 — Comparative & International Education Society
Institutional Service
2021 — Reviewer, AERA Annual Conference Proposals
2020 — Chair of Reviewers, AERA Division H Publication Award Category 6
2019 — Committee Member, Research Publication Committee, Wake County Public Schools
2018 — Committee Member, External Research Review Board, Wake County Public Schools
2016-2020 — Reviewer, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
2016 — Reviewer, AERA Division A – Section 3: School Improvement
2013 — Reviewer, Educational Policy
2013-2015 — Reviewer, Journal of Education Policy, Planning and Administration
2013 — Reviewer, AERA Division H Outstanding Publication Competition
2012-2013 — Steering Committee, Supporting Quantitative Understanding and Research in Social Studies
2012 — Panelist, Civility and the MU International Community, 2012 Mizzou Diversity Summit
Honors and Awards
2020 — Category 6 Publication Award (Communicating Research, Accountability, Evaluation, and/or Assessment to Lay Audience), American Educational Research Association Division H
2013-2014 — Walter S. Monroe Fellowship, University of Missouri-Columbia
2013 — John Bies International Travel Scholarships, University of Missouri-Columbia
2013 — The UCEA David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar
2011-2013 — Neil C. Aslin Memorial Scholarship, University of Missouri-Columbia
2010-2011 — College of Education Supplemental Fellowship, University of Missouri-Columbia
2009 — Excellent Graduate Award, Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China)
2008 — Academic Award for Outstanding Master Candidates, Beijing Normal University
2001-2003 — The Best Student Scholarship, Nanchang University (Nanchang, China)
Mandarin, English, and Gan dialect
i & ii: Did not attend the conference, but the proposal was accepted.